It was a beautiful day on Sunday. Perfect shootin' weather. Saturday was a might chilly and damp. Not a good day fer picture takin' neither. This shoot took place on land owned by the club. They have a right fine place fer it too. They have great stages and friendly folks keepin' time and scores. It was a pleasure to shoot with them folks.
Woody got a chance to show off with his pocket pistol. He managed not to spill a drop from the bottle in his left hand. Makes one think he may have been practicin' a might more that he otta'. | |
Cap'n looks on to see how the competition was doing. |
Woody takes aim on a turkey. With any luck he may have dinner tonight. |
This group of shooters offers support for those shooting the stage at the Cowtown. |
The Marshal decides
to try |
But when he found out
he has |
Would you trust this man to keep your time? Well just the same Dutch did a pretty dern good job. |
Laughing? No Yosemite, I'm not laughing. I just got some dirt in my eye kicked up from all those misses! |
Shifty takes aim at
one of the dirty dealin brothers who tried to seperate |