Chisholm Trail Antique Gun Club Shoot March '99

It was a beautiful day on Sunday. Perfect shootin' weather. Saturday was a might chilly and damp. Not a good day fer picture takin' neither. This shoot took place on land owned by the club. They have a right fine place fer it too. They have great stages and friendly folks keepin' time and scores. It was a pleasure to shoot with them folks.

   Woody got a chance to show off with his pocket pistol. He managed not to spill a drop from the bottle in his left hand. Makes one think he may have been practicin' a might more that he otta'.

 Cap'n looks on to see how the competition was doing.


 Woody takes aim on a turkey. With any luck he may have dinner tonight.


 This group of shooters offers support for those shooting the stage at the Cowtown.


 The Marshal decides to try
his hand at stud poker.


 But when he found out he has
been playin with a marked deck,
he aims to make sure no one
else gets cheated at cards.


 Would you trust this man to keep your time? Well just the same Dutch did a pretty dern good job.


 Laughing? No Yosemite, I'm not laughing. I just got some dirt in my eye kicked up from all those misses!


 Shifty takes aim at one of the dirty dealin brothers who tried to seperate
him from his hard earned pay.
He was shootin' straight that day.

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