Where else can you dress like a cowboy, shoot bad guys, rob banks, ride ponies, blast varmints, break out of jail and not be in any trouble? Cowboy Action Shooting! Not only that but you get to compete with a bunch of other folks who are doing the same thing. Sure it is fun to win competitions, but in this sport the fun is really in the playing of the game. Winning or losing is not as important. At least not to most participants. The best way to introduce folks to this fast growing sport, is to steer 'em to the best information. The first place I suggest is the Single Action Shooting Society, known as SASS. This has to be the most widely recognized organization in the world. Please check them out on the links page.
This point of interest will be going through constant updating additions and improvements. A "Living Document" if you will. There is a whole lot more to add, both pictures and information. Check back often to see what is new. And by all means, feel free to send a wire to me, Marshal Mike.
Want more... click on the heading of the topics below to go to that page.
Take a couple dozen men. Dress 'em up as cowboys with various six guns, pocket pistols, lever action long guns and shot guns. Set up some targets and a timer. Then see who can shoot the most accurate in the least amount of time, and you have Cowboy Action Shooting. The Game page will introduce you to some of the clubs, business' and organizations that make this sport so great. There are links to pages full of pictures taken at different shoots. There is even a page containing a Schedule of Events if you happen to be in this area.
There are many different kinds and calibers of guns. It is a matter of personal taste, availability and budget. The number one rule is that the gun must be authentic or a replica of guns actually used before 1899.
I have heard tell of shoots that ended up in a tie. The method chosen to decide the winner was to see who was the most authentic. In one case it came down to the fact that one feller had an old coin dated before 1900. The other shooter had modern currency. Guess who won? Part of bein a cowboy, is dressin' up like one.
Well pardner, I aint gonna begin to tell ya' I know everything. Plain truth is I don't. But... I do know how to steer ya' to the people that do! Take some time and visit the links I have collected. The more places you visit, the more links you will find.
Don't be in a hurry to get everything, take your time. Have fun and enjoy! I also have to put in a plug fer the Kansas Cowboy newspaper. It's free with your paid membership to the C.O.W.B.O.Y.S.. (Cockeyed Old West Band Of Yahoos Society). The best $18.67 you will ever spend! I myself am member 256. You can find it by goin' to the Drovers Mercantile site. History, information, the cowboy way, events... it's all there in the Kansas Cowboy.
Links to other great sites
Still to come: History, Alias' and FUN!
119 N. Douglas
Ellsworth, KS 67439
(877) 376-8377 toll-free
Copywright 1996-2002 Mike & Associates
Rev. 6/24/2002